Dog Who Was Stranded On A Mountain Proves Her Vets Wrong

When a pup named Lana was found wandering around a mountain, she was all alone.

She was in very rough shape. Her body was covered in mud, she had trouble walking, and she was starving.

When she was found by the rescuers, she was scavenging around trying to find something to eat. Luckily, her fate was about to change.

Finally Rescued

stranded dog on a mountain
Source: Paws ShowAfter her meal, she was taken to the vet where she received a thorough checkup.At the vet, she was put on IV. Lana kept having convulsions (rapid, involuntary muscle contractions that cause uncontrollable shaking and limb movement) and eventually fell into a coma.

dog at the vet clinic
Source: Paws Show
Lana’s rescuers spent countless nights awake, taking care of her.They did everything they could, including using hot water bags and heater bags in order to regulate her internal body temperature.Unfortunately, the vets lost all hope and informed her rescuers that it was most likely that Lana wouldn’t make it.

dog lying in gray plastic bed
Source: Paws Show
However, Lana was ready to prove them wrong.

Miracle Pup

After spending six days at the vet, Lana’s rescuer took her and started to care for her.

After two weeks, Lana’s health started improving. She was able to get up in order to walk, run, and even play. Her rescuer was overjoyed seeing her incredible recovery.

After a couple of months, Lana completely transformed into a beautiful adult doggo.

photo of dog in a car
Source: Paws Show
Lana now spends her days in a loving home where she no longer has to look for food and shelter in order to survive.Her days are filled with fun playdates, relaxing walks, and cozy naps. She truly is living the best life a dog could ask for!

Importance Of Rescuers

This is just one among countless stories that prove how big of an influence rescuers have not only on animals, but on the world as well.

They dedicate their time and resources in order to help animals in need and provide them with a chance to live a happy and healthy life.

Without them, who knows how many animals would be forced to just survive life and not live it.

However, sometimes, these kind souls need our help. So, if you have time, please head down to your local shelter and offer them a helping hand and, if unable to do so, donate whatever you can in order to support them.

It really does make a difference!

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