Every episode, even asthma, has the potential to be fatal.
That is made abundantly clear by the untimely and terrible passing of 12-year-old Ryan Gibbons.
Ryan was a lively young man who enjoyed riding motorcycles and going on hikes in the woods, but he would soon die from a deadly error.
He had an asthma attack at school back in 2012.
At the start of the incident, he could have easily utilized his inhaler, but the life-saving tool had been stolen.
Ryan Gibbons, a 12-year-old seventh-grader, attended school on October 9 as usual.
But he would not go home that day.
While playing soccer at school, Ryan had an asthma attack and couldn’t get to his rescue medication, which was kept in the school office.
The child in pain needed his inhaler to clear his airways so he could breathe.
However, spare inhalers were frequently taken away from Ryan because it was the school’s policy to keep the inhalers locked in the principal’s office.
During the attack, Ryan’s buddies attempted to take him to the office, but they were unable to reach the inhaler in time.
Ryan fainted and was never brought back to life.
A whole country was rocked by the catastrophe that happened at the Elgin Country School in Ontario, Canada.
An investigation revealed that, despite his mother’s persistent attempts and a doctor’s note, Ryan’s school did not permit him to keep his puffer with him.
In order to get around this regulation, Ryan would frequently carry an additional inhaler to school, according to his mother Sandra Gibbons.