9-Yr-Old Is Abandoned And Lives Alone For 2 Years, Feeding Himself And Going To School

A resourceful young boy survives alone in a flat.

In a stunning story from southwestern France, a 9-year-old French boy’s tenacity shines through as he navigates life alone in a flat after his mother abandons him.

Living Independently.

Left to fend for himself by his mother, the youngster thrived in the flat for two years, going without power or heat but nevertheless attending school and handling his everyday life.

Undetectable Independence

Despite his isolated living arrangement, neither neighbours nor school officials were aware of his position, perceiving him as a conscientious student who was unaware of his self-sufficiency.

Surviving with Limited Means

The youngster relied on sporadic food contributions from neighbours and scavenged for subsistence, frequently eating canned food, cake, and even tomatoes off neighbours’ balconies.

Harsh Reality of Solitude

Facing chilly evenings without utilities, the youngster dealt with cold temperatures by using numerous comforters and washing in cold water, all while his mother lived nearby but rarely visited.

Legal Action and Accountability.

Neighbours ultimately notified authorities, which resulted in legal proceedings against the mother for child abandonment and neglect. Despite her denial, evidence such as phone records and neighbour testimony supported the boy’s autonomy.

Justice Served

The woman received an 18-month prison sentence and six months of electronic monitoring, demonstrating the gravity of her acts. Meanwhile, the son, now a teenager, is leery of further contact with his mother, preferring to live a life free of her influence.

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