Manager Forced Waitress to Serve Leftovers to Foreign Customer, Life Taught Him a Lesson Immediately

It happened in a restaurant when an Asian tourist came for lunch. The manager acted like a disgusting pig, seating him near the bathroom, mimicking his English, and serving him… LEFTOVERS! The smell was disgusting! He began to argue, but the manager only mocked him more, saying, “That, what, JACKIE CHAN?” and pushed the plate at him. The crash silenced everyone…

BUT something unexpected happened. The man calmly stood up, brushed off bits of food, and in perfect English said, “You probably aren’t familiar with me. I’m actually…”

Everyone in the restaurant was staring, their mouths agape. The tourist continued, “I’m actually the owner of this restaurant chain.” He pulled out his phone and showed an ID badge with his picture and name. The manager’s face turned white as a sheet.

“You’re… Mr. Chen?” the manager stammered, recognizing the name immediately.

“Yes, Mr. Chen,” the tourist confirmed, his voice steady but cold. “I travel incognito to ensure my establishments are up to standard. Clearly, this one is not.”

The other employees watched in horror as their manager’s arrogance crumbled. “Please, sir, I… I didn’t know… I apologize!” the manager stuttered.

Mr. Chen raised a hand to silence him. “No apologies needed. Your actions speak louder than words. Pack your things and leave. You’re fired.”

The manager’s jaw dropped. “But… but…”

“No buts,” Mr. Chen said firmly. “Your behavior is unacceptable. And just so you know, all of this is being reported to corporate.”

The manager stumbled away, and Mr. Chen turned to the rest of the staff. “I expect better from my employees. Treat every customer with respect, regardless of who they are or where they come from.”

He then addressed the stunned diners, “I’m sorry for the disruption. Please enjoy your meals; they’re on the house today.”

As Mr. Chen left, whispers and murmurs filled the restaurant. The staff quickly moved to clean up the mess and attend to the customers with renewed vigor. The experience was a wake-up call for everyone.

The incident spread like wildfire on social media. People praised Mr. Chen for his swift action and for standing up against discrimination. The restaurant chain received positive publicity, and Mr. Chen’s actions became a model for how business owners should handle such situations.

Back at the corporate office, Mr. Chen reviewed the surveillance footage and wrote a report. The manager’s behavior would be used in training sessions as an example of what not to do. Mr. Chen smiled, knowing that karma had indeed played its part that day. Not only had he upheld his principles, but he had also set a precedent for kindness and respect in his restaurants.

Instant karma had done its job, leaving a lesson that would not soon be forgotten.

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