World famous Chef dies after being stung by wasp as he laid flowers at mum’s grave

A CHEF died after being stung by a wasp while putting a flower on the grave of his mother.

Marc Pavel had an allergic reaction and started having a lot of trouble breathing as he drove home a few minutes later.

He stopped his car a few yards from his house and got out to call for help.

He passed out before he could find anyone, though.

Marc, 47, was found slumped over on the ground by bystanders. When medics arrived, they found that he had passed out from anaphylaxis caused by the wasp sting.

He was brought back to life and taken to a hospital in Trieste, Italy.

But his health got worse, and he went into a coma before he died, four days after being stung at the cemetery.

Marc won the title of Cook of the Year in his area in 2012. His mother died in 2019.

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