Entitled Homeowners Refused to Pay My Plumber Dad – They Thought They Were the Smartest, but He Had the Last Laugh

My dad’s a plumber, and he’s the kind of man who takes pride in his work like it’s his own home. He’s the type who’d redo an entire job if he thought it wasn’t perfect.

So, he lands this gig for a complete bathroom remodel. We’re talking the works – new tiles, new fixtures, the whole shebang. The homeowners were all smiles at first. They picked out every single detail – the tiles, the grout color, and even the position of the sink and toilet. Dad was there every step of the way, making sure everything was perfect.

Fast forward to the last day of the job. Dad’s just finishing up the grouting when the homeowners suddenly flip the script. They start complaining about the tiles, saying it’s not what they wanted. Total nonsense, because they literally picked everything out themselves. But here’s the kicker – they tell him they’re only paying HALF of what they owe him. HALF! After two weeks of busting his hump to get their dream bathroom done.

Dad tries to reason with them, but they’re not having it. They smugly tell him to finish up and GET LOST. My Dad is usually a people-pleaser, but he knew he was being played. So, he agrees to finish the job. But he’s got a plan to teach these entitled people a lesson. So, my dad took a small tool out of his bag – a hidden valve shut-off key.

You see, my dad’s been in the business for decades, and he knows all the tricks of the trade. As he “finished” the job, he installed the valve shut-off key in a hidden spot, effectively disabling the plumbing. The homeowners wouldn’t notice anything until they tried to use the bathroom.

After packing up, Dad informed the homeowners that everything was done. They handed him half of the payment with smug smiles, thinking they had outsmarted him. Dad left without a fuss, but not without leaving his business card on the counter.

The next morning, I was at home when Dad got a frantic call from the homeowners. They were yelling about how the water wasn’t working in their brand-new bathroom. “You must have done something wrong!” they shouted.

Dad calmly replied, “I’ll be happy to come take a look, but since you only paid me half, I can only do half the job. If you want it fixed, you’ll need to pay the remaining balance.”

There was silence on the other end of the line, then a grudging, “Fine. Just come and fix it.”

When Dad arrived, he was met with angry faces. He walked straight to the bathroom, found the hidden valve, and turned it back on. Water flowed freely, and everything worked perfectly again.

The homeowners looked bewildered. “What did you do?” they demanded.

Dad simply smiled and said, “I completed the job you paid me for. All it took was a small adjustment. Now, if you’ll kindly pay the rest of what you owe me, I’ll be on my way.”

They had no choice but to pay up, clearly realizing they had underestimated the man they thought they could cheat. Dad took the money, thanked them, and left with his head held high.

That evening, as we sat down for dinner, Dad shared the story with a chuckle. “You know,” he said, “people may think they’re smart, but sometimes it’s the simplest tricks that make the biggest impact. Always stand up for your work and never let anyone undervalue you.”

And that’s how my dad, the humble plumber, taught some entitled homeowners a lesson they wouldn’t soon forget.

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