They adopted a Pit Bull from an animal shelter, but they were shocked by what the dog did one day

Something happened to a family in Minnesota that completely turned their lives upside down, and not in a good way.

Two years ago, they adopted Joy, a pit bull mix, from an animal shelter. Though he was well-liked by all members of the family, Emilly, age 6, and Jonas, age 10, got along the best.The dog and the kids were together all the time. They spent the entire day playing, going for walks, and sleeping in the same bed.

One evening, Jonas informed his family that he planned to take a bath before returning home.

The remaining family members remained in the backyard. The mother of the child briefly heard some odd noises.

When she entered the house, she realized the sounds were coming from upstairs.

She could hear the family dog Joy barking as she climbed the stairs.

When the woman entered the bathroom, Jonas was in the bathtub dozing off with his feet hanging over the side. Joy pulled on his hands or hair to liberate him.Jonas suffered a heart attack and collapsed in the bathtub.

Joy slammed the bathroom door open and rushed inside to assist Jonas in getting out of the tub since she sensed something wasn’t right.

When the mother first noticed Jonas having problems breathing and Joy pulling on him, she was terrified.

She quickly realized that the dog was merely attempting to prevent him from drowning in the bathtub.

The paramedics quickly arrived after the woman immediately dialed 911. By transporting Jonas to the hospital, the medical professionals were able to save his life.

Jonas is still living today because of joy.

“Without Joy, I wouldn’t want to think of Jonas’s potential fate. Joy saved my boy’s life, and we will be eternally grateful. He will surely receive many steaks as a prize, according to his mother.

Once again, this demonstrates the greatness of dogs and how devotedly they adore their humans.

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