Am I Wrong for Kicking My Future Daughter-in-Law Out of My House after Her Demands?

So, my oldest son’s been with his girlfriend for 2 years. I really liked her; she’s smart, ambitious, and she makes him so happy. It was all perfect until they decided to get married.

So, we’re having this nice dinner after they got engaged, and she suddenly wants to talk to me privately. I’m thinking, “Oh no, is everything alright?” because she looked really off. But the second we were alone, you won’t believe it, her whole tone changes, and she rudely starts demanding that I change the entire wedding plan to accommodate her preferences.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m all for compromise, but this was just too much. She wanted to completely overhaul everything we had already planned, from the venue to the guest list. And she didn’t even bother to ask nicely; it was more like she was issuing orders.

I was taken aback by her audacity. Here I was, trying to welcome her into our family with open arms, and she was already trying to bulldoze her way through everything. I tried to reason with her, explain that we had already made arrangements and that it wouldn’t be fair to everyone else involved to change everything last minute.

But she wouldn’t hear any of it. She just kept pushing and pushing, getting more and more aggressive with her demands. I realized then and there that this wasn’t just a one-time thing; this was going to be a pattern with her, and I couldn’t let her walk all over us like that.

So, I did what I had to do. I politely but firmly told her that I couldn’t accommodate her demands and that if she couldn’t respect our plans, then maybe she wasn’t the right fit for our family after all. She was shocked, to say the least, but I stood my ground.

It wasn’t an easy decision, and I know it’s caused some tension between my son and me. But at the end of the day, I have to do what’s best for my family, and if that means setting boundaries with my future daughter-in-law, then so be it.

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