The plan that John devised to give his wife a lesson is in the link in the comments.

I was always the feeder—especially after I got married, it was always me cooking for every family dinner and during the major holidays, like Christmas. But after Oliver, my husband, passed, I lost hold of that part of me.

Now, I barely cook, just enough to keep myself going, and barely that.

Except during the holidays because this is when my son, John, comes for his annual roast dinner. And then, it’s time for me to shine. But this year, things got very heated in the kitchen.

This was the first year with Liz, John’s wife, joining us. When they were dating, she always went home to her parents instead of visiting us. Which, I’ll admit, is fair because being with your family is everything during the holidays. Anyway, I was intrigued to see how Liz would mix with the rest of our family for the day.

I spent days preparing the perfect Christmas meal, wanting everything to be just right. I was excited to share my holiday traditions with Liz and hoped she would appreciate the effort and love I put into the meal.

When John and Liz arrived, I welcomed them with open arms. Liz seemed friendly enough, and I was optimistic about how the day would unfold. We chatted as I put the finishing touches on the roast dinner, and Liz offered to help. I gladly accepted, thinking it would be a wonderful bonding experience.

As we worked together in the kitchen, Liz started making small comments about my cooking methods. At first, I brushed them off, thinking she was just trying to be helpful. But then, her criticisms became more pointed.

“Kate, you really should use fresh herbs instead of dried ones. It makes such a difference,” she said, wrinkling her nose at my spice rack.

I smiled politely. “I’ve always used these, and John loves the way I season the roast.”

She shrugged, not hiding her disapproval. “Well, everyone has their own way, I suppose.”

I felt a pang of hurt but continued cooking, determined not to let it ruin the day. When it was time to serve the meal, Liz made another comment.

“Are you sure this is done? It looks a bit overcooked,” she said, poking at the roast with a fork.

My heart sank. I glanced at John, hoping he would say something to defend me, but he remained silent, his eyes downcast. I bit my tongue, refusing to let the tears welling up in my eyes fall.

As we sat down to eat, Liz continued her passive-aggressive commentary, criticizing everything from the mashed potatoes to the gravy. The rest of the family grew uncomfortable, and the festive atmosphere I had worked so hard to create began to unravel.

Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. “I’m sorry if the meal isn’t to your liking, Liz,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady. “But I’ve done my best, and I hope everyone can still enjoy it.”

Liz scoffed. “It’s not about the effort, Kate. It’s about doing things right.”

I felt my face flush with embarrassment and hurt. John still said nothing, and I wondered if he agreed with her.

The tension was palpable, and I feared the holidays were ruined. But then, John finally spoke up.

“Liz, that’s enough,” he said firmly, his voice steady. “My mom has put a lot of love and effort into this meal, and it’s how I grew up enjoying Christmas dinner. If you can’t appreciate that, then maybe you should think about what really matters during the holidays.”

Liz’s face reddened, and she opened her mouth to retort, but John continued. “This is about family, love, and tradition. Not about whether the herbs are fresh or dried.”

The room fell silent, and I felt a surge of gratitude and pride for my son. He had finally defended me, and in doing so, he had reminded everyone of the true spirit of Christmas.

Liz looked down, clearly chastened. “I’m sorry, Kate,” she mumbled. “I didn’t mean to be so critical.”

I nodded, accepting her apology. “Let’s just enjoy the rest of the evening together.”

As we resumed our meal, the atmosphere gradually lightened. The family began to share stories and laughter once more, and the warmth of the holiday spirit returned.

That Christmas, I learned that sometimes, even when the ones we love remain silent at first, they can still come through when it truly matters. And for that, I was deeply grateful.

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