Couple Divorces after 56 Years of Marriage Because Man Thinks They Are Too Old for Romance

My wife divorced me after 56 years of marriage. Can you believe it? Because, let me tell you, I still can’t!

It all started because of her everyday yelling.

“Are you having an affair? At our age? For the past month, you’ve stopped every single romantic gesture!” she accused.

“For heaven’s sake, Erin. Are you crazy?” I replied, bewildered.

“DON’T YOU LOVE ME ANYMORE?” she shouted.

“56 years, Erin! For 56 years, I was expressing every kind of romance. But you know what? NOW I’M DONE!” I snapped back.

“Oh, is that what you think, Mike? I got it. So, maybe it would be better for us to divorce?” she countered.

“Are you serious? If you can even THINK ABOUT IT, then let’s do it!” I retorted, not believing she would follow through.

But a few months later, she really did. The divorce was finalized, and I was left in disbelief.

Days later, I was at my son Henry’s house when his phone rang. He answered, and suddenly, he screamed like crazy.


Turns out she had been diagnosed with early-onset dementia. Her paranoia and accusations were symptoms of her illness. I felt a deep, crushing guilt. She wasn’t herself, and I had failed to see it. Instead of understanding and supporting her, I had let my pride and frustration drive us apart.

Henry’s voice broke through my spiraling thoughts. “Dad, we need to get her help. She needs us now more than ever.”

My heart ached with the realization of what I had done. Erin had been fighting a battle she didn’t even understand, and I had left her to face it alone. The years we spent together, the love we shared, it was all overshadowed by this tragic misunderstanding.

I knew then that I had to make amends. It wouldn’t be easy, but I had to be there for her. Love isn’t just about the good times; it’s about standing by each other through the worst.

I reached out to Erin and, with Henry’s help, we started the journey of getting her the care she needed. Though our marriage had legally ended, my commitment to her never would. In my heart, she was still my wife, and I would do everything in my power to make her feel safe and loved once again.

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